IIA IIA-CIA-Part3 Dumps


Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
  • 340 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : September 02, 2024

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IIA IIA-CIA-Part3 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following is a cybersecurity monitoring activity that involves assessing thestrength of an organization's IT protection?

A. Boundary defense 
B. Malware defense 
C. Penetration tests 
D. Wireless access controls 

Question # 2

New data privacy laws require an organization to use collected customer information for mesole purpose of meeting the organization's business requirements. Which of the followingbest addresses the risk of the organization not complying with this objective?

A. Provide training on social engineering attacks 
B. Encrypt the customer information retained by the organization 
C. Establish policies that discipline those who misuse customer information 
D. Allocate access profiles for each end user of the information 

Question # 3

Which of the following statements is true regarding the risks associated with the increaseduse of smart devices at work?

A. Due to their small size and portability smart devices and their associated data aretypically less susceptible to physical loss 
B. The Bluetooth and WI-FI features of smart devices enhance the security of data while intransit 
C. The global positioning system (GPS) capability of smart devices could be exploited toplan cyberattacks 
D. When the user fads to perform jailbreaking or rooting, data security and privacy risks weincreased 

Question # 4

The balanced scorecard approach differs from traditional performance measurementapproaches because it adds which of the following measures?1. Financial measures2. Internal business process measures.3. Client satisfaction measures4. Innovation and learning measures

A. 1 only. 
B. 2 and 4 only. 
C. 3 and 4 only. 
D. 2, 3, and 4 only 

Question # 5

An internal auditor is evaluating an organization's business continuity managementprogram According to HA guidance on IT. which of the following tests would bestdemonstrate the ability to perform Key processes without significant problems?

A. End-to-end testing 
B. IT systems and application walkthrough 
C. Tabletop or boardroom-style testing 
D. Desk check testing 

Question # 6

Which of the following is an example of a phishing attack?

A. An employee receives an email that appears to be from the organization's bank, thoughit is not. The employee replies to the email and sends the requested confidentialinformation. 
B. An organization's website has been hacked. The hacker added political content that isnot consistent with the organization's views. 
C. An organization's systems have been compromised by malicious software. The softwarelocks the organization's operating system until d ransom is paid.
D. An organization's communication systems have been intercepted. A communicationsession is controlled by an unauthorized third party. 

Question # 7

Organizations mat adopt just-in-time purchasing systems often experience which of thefollowing? 

A. A slight increase in carrying costs. 
B. A greater need for inspection of goods as the goods arrive. 
C. A greater need for linkage with a vendor s computerized order entry system. 
D. An increase in the number of suitable suppliers 

Question # 8

The mobility of personal smart devices significantly increases which of the following risks?

A. Data integrity risks 
B. Compliance risks. 
C. Physical security risks 
D. Privacy risks 

Question # 9

During an audit of the organization's annual financial statements, the internal auditor notesthat the current cost of goods sold percentage is substantially higher than in prior years.Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this increase?

A. Cost of raw material inventory items is decreasing. 
B. Process to manufacture goods is more efficient. 
C. Labor productivity to produce goods is increasing. 
D. Write-off of inventory is increasing. 

Question # 10

When using data analytics during a review of the procurement process what is the first stepin the analysis process?

A. Identity data anomalies and outliers 
B. Define questions to be answered 
C. identify data sources available 
D. Determine the scope of the data extract 

Question # 11

With regard to disaster recovery planning, which of the following would most likely involvestakeholders from several departments?

A. Determining the frequency with which backups will be performed. 
B. Prioritizing the order in which business systems would be restored. 
C. Assigning who in the IT department would be involved in the recovery procedures. 
D. Assessing the resources needed to meet the data recovery objectives 

Question # 12

Which of the following is an example of a physical security control that should be in place atan organization's data center?

A. Backup servers in the data center are stored in an environmentally controlled location 
B. All users have a unique ID and password to access data 
C. Swipe cards are used to access the data center 
D. Firewalls and antivirus protection are in place to prevent unauthorized access to data. 

Question # 13

Which of the following is improved by the use of smart devices?

A. Version control 
B. Privacy 
C. Portability 
D. Secure authentication