Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • 1486 Questions & Answers
  • Update Date : June 20, 2024

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ISC2 CISSP Sample Questions

Question # 1

What is the PRIMARY purpose of auditing, as it relates to the security review cycle? 

A. To ensure the organization's controls and pokies are working as intended  
B. To ensure the organization can still be publicly traded  
C. To ensure the organization's executive team won't be sued  
D. To ensure the organization meets contractual requirements  

Question # 2

An application is used for funds transfer between an organization and a third-party. During a security audit, an issue with the business continuity/disaster recovery policy and procedures for this application. Which of the following reports should the audit file with the organization?

A. Service Organization Control (SOC) 1  
B. Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70
C. Service Organization Control (SOC) 2  
D. Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70-1  

Question # 3

The Industrial Control System (ICS) Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) has released an alert regarding ICS-focused malware specifically propagating through Windows-based business networks. Technicians at a local water utility note that their dams, canals, and locks controlled by an internal Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system have been malfunctioning. A digital forensics professional is consulted in the Incident Response (IR) and recovery. Which of the following is the MOST challenging aspect of this investigation?

A. SCADA network latency  
B. Group policy implementation  
C. Volatility of data  
D. Physical access to the system

Question # 4

Which of the following needs to be tested to achieve a Cat 6a certification for a company's data cabling?

A. RJ11  
B. LC ports  
C. Patch panel  
D. F-type connector  

Question # 5

Which access control method is based on users issuing access requests on system resources, features assigned to those resources, the operational or situational context, and a set of policies specified in terms of those features and context?

A. Mandatory Access Control (MAC)  
B. Role Based Access Control (RBAC)  
C. Discretionary Access Control (DAC)  
D. Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)  

Question # 6

Which of the following are the B EST characteristics of security metrics? 

A. They are generalized and provide a broad overview  
B. They use acronyms and abbreviations to be concise  
C. They use bar charts and Venn diagrams  
D. They are consistently measured and quantitatively expressed  

Question # 7

Which reporting type requires a service organization to describe its system and define its control objectives and controls that are relevant to users' internal control over financial reporting?

A. Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS)70  
B. Service Organization Control 1 (SOC1)  
C. Service Organization Control 2 (SOC2)  
D. Service Organization Control 3 (SOC3)  

Question # 8

Which of the following is the PRIMARY purpose of installing a mantrap within a facility? 

A. Control traffic  
B. Prevent rapid movement  
C. Prevent plggybacking  
C. Prevent piggybacking  

Question # 9

A manager identified two conflicting sensitive user functions that were assigned to a single user account that had the potential to result in a financial and regulatory risk to the company. The manager MOST likely discovered this during which of the following?

A. Security control assessment.  
B. Separation of duties analysis  
C. Network Access Control (NAC) review  
D. Federated identity management (FIM) evaluation  

Question # 10

Which of the following system components enforces access controls on an object? 

A. Security perimeter  
B. Access control matrix  
C. Trusted domain  
D. Reference monitor  

Question # 11

Which of the following provides the MOST secure method for Network Access Control (NAC)?

A. Media Access Control (MAC) filtering  
B. 802.IX authentication  
C. Application layer filtering  
D. Network Address Translation (NAT)  

Question # 12

A software development company found odd behavior in some recently developed software, creating a need for a more thorough code review. What is the MOST effective argument for a more thorough code review?

A. It will increase the flexibility of the applications developed.  
B. It will increase accountability with the customers.  
C. It will impede the development process.  
D. lt will reduce the potential for vulnerabilities.  

Question # 13

How should the retention period for an organization's social media content be defined? 

A. Wireless Access Points (AP)  
B. Token-based authentication  
C. Host-based firewalls  
D. Trusted platforms